You've got the perfect bouquet to celebrate Mother’s day! The Tatty Teddy Pastel Skies flowers, with charming white and pink roses and white gypsophila, are bursting with happy vibes and so much love. The perfect bunch to spread joy this Mother’s Day.
Introducing our latest collection of Tatty Teddy themed flowers. More than just pretty blooms, they're a uniquely special alternative to ordinary bouquets. Crafted to express your feelings and make mum feel all the love this Mother’s Day.
Spread the love! Every bouquet comes with a free Scentered Love Balm, 'cause a little self-care is always in bloom
What’s in the Box?
x6 White Rose 30cm
x6 Pink Rose 30cm
x1 White Gypsophilia
x1 Pistache
x1 Hat Box
x1 Best Mum Tatty Teddy
Total bouquet length: 40cm
The Important Part:
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