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Valentine's Day Cards for Every Star Sign

Matched perfectly for every zodiac

4 Feb 2021

Romance is in the Stars

Cupid’s birthday is right around the corner, and sometimes the hardest thing of all (harder than finding a Valentine in the first place, the struggle is real) is knowing what kind of card to get them. It’s the most romantic time of the year after all, and you don’t want to balls it up. Do you get them something funny? Something mushy and adorable? Something X-rated? Something with or without hearts on it?? OMG HELP.

Well, the answer is simple. You should have been looking UP this whole time.

No, not at your the stars! We know that sounds cheesy as hell, but trust us. We’ve channeled some Mystic Meg energy and gone through each sign of the zodiac, from Aries all the way to Pisces, and matched each personality to their perfect Valentine’s Day card! So, you’ll know exactly what to give them this year.

(And don’t forget, not a card in this world exists that doesn’t go perfectly with some flowers or chocolate...just sayin’)

Aries - The Ram (March 21 - April 19)

Element: Fire

Spirit colour: Red

Top love match: Sagittarius 

First up we have our independent Aries superstars. As the first sign of the zodiac they are well known for doing what they want, when they want. After all they are rams, not sheep, darling. And if you’re lucky (and brave) enough to love one, you’ll know that they are fiery whirlwinds, passionate and untameable. So, why not keep them on their toes this Valentine’s Day with something a bit hot and steamy…

Cards perfect for the Aries in your life

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Taurus - The Bull (April 20 - May 20)

Element: Earth

Spirit colour: Pink

Top love match: Cancer & Virgo 

Loyal, ambitious and smart, Taurus is one of the most dependable signs of the zodiac. Valuing honesty above all else, Tauruses tend to be drama free and delightfully practical...if a little tiny bit stubborn (erm, have you ever had a fight with a Taurus? Did you win? Yeah, we didn’t either). So, when wooing a Taurus, don’t try to impress them with flashy romantic gestures or over the top declarations of love, but instead speak from the heart with something sweet and down to earth.

Cards perfect for the Taurus in your life

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Gemini - The Twins (May 21 - June 20)

Element: Air

Spirit colour: Yellow

Top love match: Aries & Leo 

Gemini are full of curiosity, affection and kindness. A joy to be around, they’re a bundle of energy and endless optimism. They are in love with love, and have been known to go on one, two, maybe even three dates a week, but if you’re lucky enough to be their chosen one, there will never be a dull moment (in and out of the bedroom). So, if you want to show your Gemini how much you love them this Valentine’s Day, we have one piece of advice: don’t be shy.

Cards perfect for the Gemini in your life

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Cancer - The Crab (June 21 - July 22)

Element: Water

Spirit colour: Violet

Top love match: Taurus & Pisces

The sign of the zodiac that almost doesn’t need horoscopes at all is the practically physic Cancer. Highly emotional and intuitive, they can sometimes know what someone is going to say or do before it happens. The kind of person that figures out the mystery 10 minutes into the thriller. In matters of the heart, they have no time for mind games and silliness, so if you’re going to tell a Cancer you love them, just do it! Be bold and go for it.

Cards perfect for the Cancer in your life

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Leo - The Lion (July 23 - August 22)

Element: Fire

Spirit colour: Gold

Top love match: Libra

The fiery lion is the natural leader of the zodiac. Smart, ambitious, and full of well-earned confidence...basically they are a 10/10 and they know it. Equal parts flirty and passionate, they absolutely love grand gestures and big displays of romance. So, for a Valentine’s Day card they’ll adore, look for something cheeky, playful or best of all, downright naughty.

Cards perfect for the Leo in your life

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Virgo - The Virgin (August 23 - September 22)

Element: Earth

Spirit colour: Silver

Top love match: Cancer

Virgos are one of the kindest signs of the zodiac, well known for being smart, sophisticated and organized. Although they can seem a little shy when you first meet them, if you give them time to get to know you, they’ll open up and be loyal for life. Some might call it picky, but we just call it knowing exactly what you’re looking for, and once they’ve found it, you’ve got yourself a soulmate. So, the perfect way to celebrate the small, sweet moments for your Virgo this Valentine’s Day is with a heartfelt card.

Cards perfect for the Virgo in your life

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Libra - The Scales (September 23 - October 22)

Element: Air

Spirit colour: Blue

Top love match: Gemini

Libras are our wonderful daydreamers, and as a classic air sign their head is often up in the clouds. Sociable, kind and artistic, they adore things with a bit of sparkle (after all, they are ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty). In the world of romance they love a good flirt, and could charm the absolute pants off almost anyone. With an incredible imagination, the best way to knock their socks off this Valentine’s Day is with a card as magical as they are.

Cards perfect for the Libra in your life

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Scorpio - The Scorpion (October 23 - November 21)

Element: Water

Spirit colour: Black

Top love match: Cancer

As iconic as the actual scorpion, our feisty Scorpios are passionate, independent and ain’t never backed down from a fight. So, handle with care or you might just get stung. But, if you’re brave enough to take the risk, a Scorpio will love bigger and fight harder than any other sign. They love a bit of seduction and know that every relationship worth having comes with ups and downs, and that sometimes the making-up is worth the fighting.

Cards perfect for the Scorpio in your life

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Sagittarius - The Archer (November 22 - December 21)

Element: Fire

Spirit colour: Light blue

Top love match: Aries

Strong-willed and wildly independent, Sagittarius personalities are born leaders, always on the hunt for adventure. Open-hearted, generous, and big-spirited, they tell it how it is, and don’t shy away from the truth. They love to laugh more than anything and can take a joke better than anyone. In the romance department they’re always up for trying new things and keeping things lively. Combine these two sides to their personality and the perfect Valentine’s Day card for your Sagittarius soulmate… the funnier and sillier the better.

Cards perfect for the Sagittarius in your life

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Capricorn - The Goat (December 22 - January 19)

Element: Earth

Spirit colour: Deep blue

Top love match: Virgo

Intelligent, hard-working and always in control, Capricorns are well known for knowing exactly what they want and for getting things done. They are home-birds, their big love is family and tradition, and they are most comfortable with commitment and stability. They know in relationships you have to take the good with the bad, and they are someone you can always rely on. Simply put, Capricorns are in it for the long haul, and when they fall in love, it’s the real deal. So, make sure you show them just how much you love and cherish them this Valentine’s Day with a card full of feels.

Cards perfect for the Capricorn in your life

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Aquarius - Water Bearer (January 20 - February 18)

Element: Air

Spirit colour: Sky blue

Top love match: Sagittarius

The best word to describe an Aquarius is Unique with a capital U. They are imaginative, wacky and completely one of a kind. No two Aquarians are the same, and the only thing that they share with each other is their fabulous weirdness. (Well...there is a reason why the 70s were called ‘The Age of Aquarius’. Free love, baby.) Because there are no rules when it comes to loving an Aquarius, there’s no better way to celebrate their brilliance than with a card as wonderfully wacky as they are. Go odd, or go home.

Cards perfect for the Aquarius in your life

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Pisces - The Fish (February 19 - March 20)

Element: Water

Spirit colour: Sea green

Top love match: Virgo

Pisces are characterised by being creative, sensitive and artistic. This means they can feel things very deeply and are always incredibly in-tune with their emotional side. Loving a Pisces might be more intense than other relationships, but you’ll know yourself better because of it. As partners they are sensitive and intuitive, so the best Valentine’s Day card for your watery love is one that speaks from the heart, and celebrates just how sweet they are.

Cards perfect for the Pisces in your life

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View our entire range of Valentine’s Day cards, gifts & flowers here.

Sources: and the sky

