Mammy. Mam. Ma. Mummy. Whatever you call her, it’s that time of year again. Time to show the main woman in your life how much she means to you. And isn’t there something to be said for a little show of appreciation? Sure, it’s the least you can do. And if you’re stuck for words to write in a Mother’s Day card, don’t worry. We’ve got you sorted. And sure, we won’t tell anyone where you got the inspiration. Mam’s the word.
When it’s a card directly to Mam, you can go from light hearted and funny to deeply heartfelt.You know the lady, so you judge the tone. Picture her opening the card and reading your message. That feeling of gratitude is what counts – it’s all about making her feel special.
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
"Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever." – Unknown
"We are born of love; love is our mother." – Rumi
"A mother understands what a child does not say." – A Jewish proverb
"A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your friend forever." – Unknown
"When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know." – Charley Benetto
"Everything I am, you helped me to be." – Unknown
"Mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible." – Marion C. Garretty
"Mother, the ribbons of your love are woven around my heart." – Anonymous
Thanks for not just being my Mam but also my best friend. Happy Mother’s Day to the best person I know.
It’s not just about Mam, is it? Granny deserves her moment too! She’s twice the mammy and let’s be honest, probably twice the craic. Whether you go for something sweet and heartfelt or a cheeky message from the grandkids, make it personal to her. So, show Grandma some love. She deserves it.
Here are a few ideas for Granny’s card:
There’s no place like home (except Grandma’s) Happy Mother’s Day Nanny!
To the best Grandma there ever was. You mean the world to me. Happy Mother’s Day.
Side by side, or miles apart, my granny will always have my heart.
Well, the little one can’t write it themselves, can they? Sending a card to Mammy, especially if it’s her first Mother’s Day, is such a thoughtful way to celebrate her. With all the sleepless nights and nappy changes, a reminder that she’s doing a brilliant job will mean the world. Keep it simple and sweet and maybe bring her breakfast in bed for brownie points.
Here are a few ideas for messages from Baby:
On our first Mother’s Day together, you are simply the best.
To the greatest Mammy ever. Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day Mammy! Maybe I’ll sleep tonight? Ha, we’ll see!
If all this soppiness isn’t your bag, and you just want to see your Mum belly laughing over the morning cup of tea – then don’t think we’ve forgotten you! Making someone you love giggle is one of life’s greatest joys, and what better day to see her grinning from ear to ear on her special day? Whether it’s a private joke, a cheeky poem, or something downright silly, the gift of laughter is priceless.
The fun starts here, see below for a handful of belly-ticklers when writing funny messages in a Mother’s Day card:
They don’t make them like you anymore Mam. Happy Mother’s Day!
Congrats Mam, you raised an absolute legend.
Mam, I’ll even wash the dishes today – imagine that!
"Mam: A title just above Queen." – Unknown
"It’s not easy being a mother. If it were, fathers would do it." – Dorothy, The Golden Girls